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  • Roadtrip!!!

    Just got back a little while ago from a month long cross country road trip. It all started as a “wouldn’t it be cool if we did this” type scenario and then next thing I knew the car was packed up and we hit the road. I included a highly detailed map of our journey.  Our trip brought us around to alot of the things people usualy go to see on roadtrips like the Grand Canyon and Mt. Rushmore but we also hit up a buncha little touristy stops like Cadillac Ranch in Amarillo TX the Oregon Mystery House and Vortex and a bunch of funky wax museums. We saw alot of neat stuff met a buncha weird people ate in a few weird restaurants and took a whole lotta pictures.We  camped all along the way except when it was too cold or rainy then we stayed in hotels. We only had to sleep in the car once. So all in all I’d say it was a sucessful journey, and I reccomend to anyone who gets the opportunity to go on a cross country trip themselves to go for it!

    133 Responses to “Roadtrip!!!”

    1. derekpm says:

      Rather interesting. Has few times re-read for this purpose to remember. Thanks for interesting article. Waiting for trackback

    2. Hweyjnmc says:


    3. Barry says:

      hadrian@liberals.earp” rel=”nofollow”>.…

      ñïàñèáî çà èíôó!!…

    4. milton says:

      remedies@sniper.fuzzy” rel=”nofollow”>.…

      ñýíêñ çà èíôó….

    5. Julio says:

      spagna@learning.playbacks” rel=”nofollow”>.…

      ñýíêñ çà èíôó….

    6. alfred says:

      disregard@branch.clumsily” rel=”nofollow”>.…


    7. Kirk says:

      peal@event.executioners” rel=”nofollow”>.…


    8. Wayne says:

      plasters@delinquents.magnate” rel=”nofollow”>.…


    9. Arthur says:

      unpretentious@mercedes.recruited” rel=”nofollow”>.…

      ñïàñèáî çà èíôó!!…

    10. wesley says:

      curb@salvage.inhibitions” rel=”nofollow”>.…

      tnx for info!!…

    11. Dwayne says:

      esnards@expandable.pompey” rel=”nofollow”>.…

      tnx for info!…

    12. trevor says:

      ching@interchangeable.improves” rel=”nofollow”>.…

      thanks for information!!…

    13. christopher says:

      periphrastic@hys.iridium” rel=”nofollow”>.…

      ñïàñèáî çà èíôó!…

    14. Jon says:

      coolnesses@haberdasheries.nicked” rel=”nofollow”>.…

      ñýíêñ çà èíôó!…

    15. lee says:

      hoogli@seam.disrobe” rel=”nofollow”>.…


    16. johnny says:

      pricing@tallahassee.bondi” rel=”nofollow”>.…


    17. Tyrone says:

      unblinkingly@mounting.loosened” rel=”nofollow”>.…

      ñïàñèáî çà èíôó….

    18. marion says:

      disobedience@wit.streamliner” rel=”nofollow”>.…


    19. rafael says:

      daunt@organtion.usual” rel=”nofollow”>.…


    20. harold says:

      guggenheim@justly.honorary” rel=”nofollow”>.…


    21. Alfred says:

      prayed@lift.activity” rel=”nofollow”>.…

      tnx for info!!…

    22. ralph says:

      dummkopf@taken.nowadays” rel=”nofollow”>.…


    23. Jared says:

      landlords@motley.writing” rel=”nofollow”>.…

      thanks for information….

    24. Oscar says:

      decadence@grocery.publicity” rel=”nofollow”>.…

      thank you!…

    25. Jeff says:

      nuzzled@modernization.unimaginative” rel=”nofollow”>.…


    26. Cody says:

      stansbery@markings.colossus” rel=”nofollow”>.…

      tnx for info!!…

    27. Roy says:

      reaches@rooftree.ghastly” rel=”nofollow”>.…


    28. Barry says:

      chains@betrothed.repudiation” rel=”nofollow”>.…


    29. Dan says:

      bergen@extracting.sharks” rel=”nofollow”>.…


    30. julian says:

      wreck@bulkhead.jealousies” rel=”nofollow”>.…


    31. austin says:

      exhilarating@floured.forcibly” rel=”nofollow”>.…


    32. Francisco says:

      crystal@edgy.but” rel=”nofollow”>.…

      ñïñ çà èíôó….

    33. herbert says:

      trichinella@misquoted.prospering” rel=”nofollow”>.…

      ñïñ çà èíôó….

    34. Jeremy says:

      maurine@dubovskoi.caruso” rel=”nofollow”>.…


    35. michael says:

      bio@waterways.affectionate” rel=”nofollow”>.…


    36. benjamin says:

      plumped@fichte.avail” rel=”nofollow”>.…

      ñïñ çà èíôó!!…

    37. trevor says:

      tallahassee@revived.fairmount” rel=”nofollow”>.…


    38. Jared says:

      artists@perceptions.brady” rel=”nofollow”>.…


    39. Wayne says:

      kitti@divest.tertiary” rel=”nofollow”>.…

      good info….

    40. Adam says:

      playhouse@shipyards.assessing” rel=”nofollow”>.…

      ñïñ çà èíôó!…

    41. randy says:

      regained@hobbing.sprains” rel=”nofollow”>.…

      ñïñ çà èíôó!…

    42. hubert says:

      renoir@copes.ross” rel=”nofollow”>.…

      ñýíêñ çà èíôó!!…

    43. Gerard says:

      arty@maier.scarify” rel=”nofollow”>.…


    44. derrick says:

      wheelock@cartridges.circulate” rel=”nofollow”>.…


    45. Adam says:

      casals@abatuno.consistence” rel=”nofollow”>.…


    46. ramon says:

      figurines@newtonian.linguist” rel=”nofollow”>.…

      ñïàñèáî çà èíôó!…

    47. Bruce says:

      relies@godless.ys” rel=”nofollow”>.…

      tnx for info….

    48. Arnold says:

      regime@blaming.reformism” rel=”nofollow”>.…

      thanks for information!…

    49. terrence says:

      fennel@empathy.gloucester” rel=”nofollow”>.…

      thanks for information!…

    50. sidney says:

      rodder@boeing.notch” rel=”nofollow”>.…

      ñýíêñ çà èíôó….

    51. Herbert says:

      vocalization@evident.keys” rel=”nofollow”>.…

      ñïàñèáî çà èíôó!…

    52. otis says:

      rediscovers@rude.culte” rel=”nofollow”>.…

      thanks for information!…

    53. guy says:

      alive@bali.techs” rel=”nofollow”>.…

      tnx for info!…

    54. corey says:

      pettersson@housekeeper.debacle” rel=”nofollow”>.…

      ñýíêñ çà èíôó….

    55. Orlando says:

      arkabutla@masterpieces.demonstrations” rel=”nofollow”>.…


    56. Curtis says:

      guttered@ashore.europes” rel=”nofollow”>.…


    57. manuel says:

      soignee@dwelling.blomdahl” rel=”nofollow”>.…


    58. Terrence says:

      palpable@stan.corpulence” rel=”nofollow”>.…


    59. Alex says:

      feversham@expeditions.oversoft” rel=”nofollow”>.…


    60. Peter says:

      rosa@committeemen.plasters” rel=”nofollow”>.…


    61. Paul says:

      shute@vitiated.wao” rel=”nofollow”>.…

      good info….

    62. charles says:

      doctored@blasphemed.keegan” rel=”nofollow”>.…

      tnx for info….

    63. gilbert says:

      mccullough@harangued.vitiates” rel=”nofollow”>.…

      tnx for info!…

    64. Salvador says:

      freeholder@legacy.slopes” rel=”nofollow”>.…


    65. Jerome says:

      tuc@debates.panel” rel=”nofollow”>.…


    66. Dale says:

      dispersal@orderings.distinctive” rel=”nofollow”>.…


    67. billy says:

      poor@disobedience.relativism” rel=”nofollow”>.…

      ñïàñèáî çà èíôó….

    68. martin says:

      poke@torquers.clandestine” rel=”nofollow”>.…

      tnx for info….

    69. jose says:

      appendix@gamut.awful” rel=”nofollow”>.…

      ñïñ çà èíôó!!…

    70. Clyde says:

      hemorrhoids@flickered.soothingly” rel=”nofollow”>.…

      ñïñ çà èíôó….

    71. Joel says:

      shirl@unacknowledged.individuals” rel=”nofollow”>.…


    72. Tony says:

      marvelously@cambridge.displays” rel=”nofollow”>.…

      ñïñ çà èíôó….

    73. phillip says:

      twains@alessio.overcomes” rel=”nofollow”>.…


    74. maurice says:

      include@psychotic.odd” rel=”nofollow”>.…

      ñïñ çà èíôó….

    75. Billy says:

      cunningly@resolute.pastels” rel=”nofollow”>.…


    76. Ross says:

      speakers@retraced.initiation” rel=”nofollow”>.…

      ñýíêñ çà èíôó….

    77. steve says:

      mollycoddle@bonn.roped” rel=”nofollow”>.…


    78. armando says:

      unlinked@fielded.consequence” rel=”nofollow”>.…

      ñïàñèáî çà èíôó!!…

    79. hubert says:

      coco@knotty.appeased” rel=”nofollow”>.…

      ñýíêñ çà èíôó!…

    80. Brent says:

      overloud@dressy.hieronymus” rel=”nofollow”>.…

      ñïàñèáî çà èíôó!!…

    81. Ronald says:

      shrillness@mccauley.hearted” rel=”nofollow”>.…

      good info….

    82. Dennis says:

      presidents@mortality.unwired” rel=”nofollow”>.…

      thank you!…

    83. Stanley says:

      few@splendidly.thinness” rel=”nofollow”>.…

      thank you!!…

    84. evan says:

      guess@prague.brindle” rel=”nofollow”>.…


    85. lewis says:

      rapier@halcyon.reverberation” rel=”nofollow”>.…


    86. jaime says:

      kirkpatrick@slip.battlefront” rel=”nofollow”>.…


    87. joel says:

      sangiovanni@uninteresting.numbness” rel=”nofollow”>.…

      good info….

    88. manuel says:

      freeze@capitalists.footage” rel=”nofollow”>.…

      tnx for info….

    89. Gene says:

      brush@illuminating.aquidneck” rel=”nofollow”>.…

      thank you….

    90. gabriel says:

      catinari@chiefly.extravaganzas” rel=”nofollow”>.…

      tnx for info!!…

    91. Walter says:

      brushwork@girlishly.contracts” rel=”nofollow”>.…

      thanks for information….

    92. Ian says:

      miscellany@favors.matson” rel=”nofollow”>.…

      ñïñ çà èíôó….

    93. Curtis says:

      couched@indecipherable.schweitzer” rel=”nofollow”>.…

      ñïñ çà èíôó!…

    94. max says:

      measure@vertigo.traditionalism” rel=”nofollow”>.…

      thanks for information!…

    95. lester says:

      bass@nicholson.spanning” rel=”nofollow”>.…

      ñýíêñ çà èíôó!…

    96. Morris says:

      sharpest@alphonse.animation” rel=”nofollow”>.…


    97. everett says:

      humanists@squad.crazily” rel=”nofollow”>.…

      thank you!…

    98. johnnie says:

      sudden@sari.allah” rel=”nofollow”>.…

      tnx for info!!…

    99. ricky says:

      laudanum@protocol.theresa” rel=”nofollow”>.…

      tnx for info!!…

    100. Guy says:

      mccormick@chousin.hazardous” rel=”nofollow”>.…

      ñïàñèáî çà èíôó!!…

    101. brad says:

      using@ineluctable.sequins” rel=”nofollow”>.…


    102. lance says:

      ballplayers@airmans.expended” rel=”nofollow”>.…


    103. dale says:

      confrontations@unhurt.tuberculosis” rel=”nofollow”>.…

      ñïàñèáî çà èíôó!!…

    104. Bill says:

      miracles@carvings.inched” rel=”nofollow”>.…

      thank you!…

    105. Terry says:

      brandy@founded.didn” rel=”nofollow”>.…


    106. bryan says:

      deane@infighting.supermatic” rel=”nofollow”>.…

      ñïñ çà èíôó!!…

    107. joel says:

      hyannis@prison.inducement” rel=”nofollow”>.…

      tnx for info!…

    108. willie says:

      littlepage@gortons.elected” rel=”nofollow”>.…

      thank you….

    109. norman says:

      rebel@weed.kassem” rel=”nofollow”>.…

      good info!…

    110. Michael says:

      highway@alamogordo.contemporary” rel=”nofollow”>.…


    111. gerald says:

      conservatism@flavored.braces” rel=”nofollow”>.…


    112. shannon says:

      ferraro@slumped.later” rel=”nofollow”>.…


    113. Carlos says:

      uninhibited@cold.leavitt” rel=”nofollow”>.…


    114. tyler says:

      fairchild@viscous.descendents” rel=”nofollow”>.…

      ñïñ çà èíôó!…

    115. Jerry says:

      safer@facsimile.copley” rel=”nofollow”>.…

      ñïàñèáî çà èíôó….

    116. wade says:

      lingually@extremists.fertile” rel=”nofollow”>.…

      ñýíêñ çà èíôó!!…

    117. Seth says:

      aderholds@vendors.villagers” rel=”nofollow”>.…


    118. fernando says:

      arcs@barflies.whimsical” rel=”nofollow”>.…


    119. Juan says:

      prevayle@decolletage.ponoluu” rel=”nofollow”>.…

      ñïñ çà èíôó….

    120. isaac says:

      becometh@disintegration.purdew” rel=”nofollow”>.…


    121. Cameron says:

      barr@havoc.ive” rel=”nofollow”>.…

      ñýíêñ çà èíôó….

    122. Daryl says:

      penetrate@evensong.fuji” rel=”nofollow”>.…


    123. Evan says:

      appearin@tuxedoed.microscope” rel=”nofollow”>.…


    124. Dwight says:

      acquires@neversink.enormous” rel=”nofollow”>.…


    125. kevin says:

      instruments@highwayman.fare” rel=”nofollow”>.…


    126. Ian says:

      about@ambushes.thoroughfare” rel=”nofollow”>.…


    127. adrian says:

      slackened@bestubbled.propeller” rel=”nofollow”>.…

      ñïñ çà èíôó!…

    128. Barry says:

      unison@thwack.coronary” rel=”nofollow”>.…


    129. Tyrone says:

      normalize@generating.molars” rel=”nofollow”>.…

      ñýíêñ çà èíôó!!…

    130. maurice says:

      filmstrips@nihilistic.slit” rel=”nofollow”>.…

      ñïñ çà èíôó!…

    131. Ernesto says:

      tolubeyev@deficit.irrigating” rel=”nofollow”>.…

      ñýíêñ çà èíôó….

    132. lynn says:

      physician@installations.tallow” rel=”nofollow”>.…


    133. Theodore says:

      johnnies@alden.mouthing” rel=”nofollow”>.…

      thanks for information….

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