Archive for the 'New Work' Category
Monday, February 7th, 2011
As part of my New Years Resolution I need to get better at updating both the site and blog as often as possible. I mean I have so much time on my hands nowadays I don’t really have any kind of excuse. So today I put up some new art in the gallery pages and [...]
Check This Out!, Comics/ Graphic Novels, Illustration, New Work, Site updates
Saturday, October 30th, 2010
Just in time for Halloween! Che and I’s new work in the Boston Comics Roundtable’s latest anthology “Hellbound” hit the streets this past Thursday. A smaller more affordable version at $4 is now available in contrast to the humongous fancy pants screenprinted glow in the dark version that was released previously. The release party at [...]
Check This Out!, Comics/ Graphic Novels, Events/ Shows, Holiday, Illustration, New Work
Monday, September 27th, 2010
So MICE went really well! We sold a good lotta books and got to meet a whole lot of interesting people. Most of whom Ché already knew cause let me tell you that guy knows people! And starting this week our new mini comic based on the adventures of the Boston Gastronauts will hopefully be [...]
Check This Out!, Comics/ Graphic Novels, Events/ Shows, Illustration, New Work
Friday, September 24th, 2010
Tomorrow Ché and I will be peddling our wares at the Mass Indy Comics Expo being held at the Art Institute of Boston in Kenmore Sq from 10 to 6. You should all come on by and see us and check out the sweet stuff we’re pushin’! I’ll be selling copies of my children’s book [...]
Check This Out!, Comics/ Graphic Novels, Events/ Shows, Illustration, New Work
Thursday, September 2nd, 2010
So I’ve been all over the place recently. Been figuring alot of stuff out and getting alot of stuff together. Recently my buddy Steve who sometimes writes for Comic Book Resources managed to hook me up with a job reporting for them at the 2010 Baltimore Comic-Con. He knew I was going down to visit [...]
Check This Out!, Comics/ Graphic Novels, Events/ Shows, Illustration, New Work, Travel
Tuesday, June 29th, 2010
So in honor of my beautiful face being featured in Avengers issue #2 I made my very own variant cover for New Avengers #1 that came out this past week! Every once in a while when they come out with blank sketch covers we’ll draw on comic bags so it looks like we have some [...]
Check This Out!, Comics/ Graphic Novels, Illustration, New Work, Site updates
Wednesday, June 2nd, 2010
Been a while since I’ve updated but that mostly cause it’s been hard balancing everything with the Gastronauts blog. I figured I’d give a rough update of things to come down the line. Right now we’re keeping up with the Boston Gastronauts so if you haven’t had a chance to check us out there I’d [...]
Events/ Shows, Illustration, New Work, Site updates
Tuesday, April 20th, 2010
Finally managed to update the site and blog. Got up some new work along with a new sketchbook section. Added some new links on the links page and did an overall re-haul of the layout. While it’s not as awesome as what I had done previously before my lap top died it’ll do for now [...]
Check This Out!, New Work, Site updates
Saturday, February 27th, 2010
So I’m not good at this blogging thing. It shouldn’t be this long between entries, but seeing as it’s coming up on the Abbsiversary of the creation of and accompanying blog I’ve decided to turn over a new leaf. On or around April 1st I’m going to hopefully have up and running the newly [...]
Events/ Shows, Illustration, New Work, Site updates
Sunday, May 24th, 2009
A while back my friend Che asked me if I could help him out with a project of his. He’s developed it into what he’s calling the Minimalist Comics Collective. It’s a different take on how words and images interact in the comics medium. There’s definitely a lot of interesting things going on here. I had a [...]
Check This Out!, Comics/ Graphic Novels, Illustration, New Work